Sunday, August 14, 2011

Walking down the lane

I have been walking down the lane for quite sometime. I see many people walking. Seeing these young people walking is really exhilarating and charming. They have so much hope I too could associate myself with their hopes. They are also smarter far more smarter than people in our generation used to be. What do I mean by smarter is that they are asking the tough and big questions we generally refrained from. They make their life by themselves without depending on others. They have internally told themselves that no one is responsible for my life other than I myself. This learning is still very western where children take their own decisions. In India this doesn't happen. People grow late here. They face their problems in their late 20s and early thirties. I never used to ask such questions when I was in my early 20s. They seem to have found answers to questions like where they would work, how much money would they spend and how much time they will surrender to their friends and so on. They don't worry saying no to anything. We on the other hand are very much pleasers rather than confident. I myself am a pleaser. I can wholeheartedly tell you that I am not confident at all I may feign, but I am not.

Blessings to all people younger than I am and the generation Y as I call them.


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