Monday, August 30, 2010

Why every body carries a file?

Seldom will you see a man of rank or learning will not have their file closely tied to the area near the heart. This is true for all occupation. Some hold file close to them in the office, others hold their bags close to them. Most bags are full of rubbish and I don’t proclaim anyone should carry a bag like school children do. You may now that we are now in the temperament of separating the bag from the children. Their bags are too heavy and we don’t intend to make them old worn-out children as they may be called after 4 to 5 years of carrying the bag.

What is there in the file, everybody is very curious to know? Our file generally has the general rules of conduct during a meeting and the systematizes our time through out the meeting so that we can dispel our wisdom to the other similar men carrying their own files. All files are necessary for a meeting. If your file doesn’t have the answer to the question raised by your rivals, they are of no use, they must fulfill their purpose.

I insist that instead of carrying the whole bag, children carry a file similar to that mentioned above and also carry a rough book, which bears notes of the entire day. I am not the only one who has told this. All men and women, big and small, have directed and tried to raise their vocal chords repeatedly for this rule. Seldom has any parent objected against this case. So file carriers, you have solved your problem by carrying a lean file let us solve the same problem for the younger ones. You carry a file because you don’t want to carry a bag.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Are you reading or are you fooling?

Time and again we have encountered the problem of reading. Most of us know to read, but we don't. We must accept that reading is an active skill. It takes time. It is useful only when it is done. There is no point saying, I know to read, but I don't. Reading is difficult. It is a practice which needs exercise of will. Even I fall into the drowsiness of continuing to read, yet not reading. My concentration drops.

Many of them will agree that this happens. We must not concentrate on the technique of reading but read as it is. Reading is a complex process which only humans can do. Lately with the advent of videos and audios our reading has dropped. It is only because of keeping the business alive that we are reading. So if anyone asks have you read today's paper? You say yes. Satisfied. Don't you think that Videos and audios do that task well. It is a transition phase, reading will die. We are leaving out reading and gradually accepting other more effective channels which are more realistic and don't require that much concentration.

Reading can be done well, but after a stage there is no point if we don't register what we read. This problem is for medical science to tackle.

Motoring for the small

When we drive a car or any other vehicle for that matter, we rely on our skill. We shed our responsibility and allow skill to take over. Motoring or driving as we may call, today there are more motors on the road than people walking. It is felt that the roads were made for cars, rather than for pedestrians.

Countries outside India, or to be more apt, the western countries allow their kids to drive after they complete 16 years. It is legal for them. But here we wait 2 more years to teach them driving. Countries like South Africa follow our method of qualification and allow any individual to drive their vehicles above 18 years. What does this mean and why is it so?

Does it mean that our children are not yet prepared, are they lesser? If that is not the case then we must allow them to drive. Driving is not a skill that takes years of practice, it can be learnt in a meagrely short period of time. One thing it will do is that it will dent their dad's pocket and create more traffics for us making it lesser and lesser viable for us to walk freely on the road. When we say kids are smarter than us, why not give them a chance, something they will truly cherish.

War torn planet

We are all intrigued by the term, ‘war’. We don’t want to be a part of it, and prefer to stay away and unhurt. There are wars fought between two countries and there are also wars fought between factions of groups within a country each demanding their authority over a resource, mainly land. The latter is more dangerous because here we don’t know who the enemy is. They look like us. A civil war can give us all sorts of shocks and surprises. Suicide bombing is one of its kind.

We know that as human race we had gone through the First World War and Second World War. We have read it in our textbooks. We can only imagine how a war prone country looks like after its victory, or after its defeat. Technically, one country has won the war, but if you really see them we can easily judge that both the countries have lost their men, women, children, and resources.

After the second war we know that there was a cold war between giant economies of those days, the American’s and the Russian’s. Each wanted to prove their superiority. They built weapons of mass destruction, as it is otherwise called, to give fear to the opposition and their country men. The cold war ended and even though it statistically produced more death it remains a form of war where there were no arms and ammunitions really used. It was information and intelligence that made one country superior to other. It was their ability to build superior weapons and exhibit them so that both the country men can view and take pride in the advances of military technology. It is the political forces of those days that didn’t want to step back when their counterpart is exhibiting their military power.

We need not experience war, but any source of information will tell us what war actually is and who pays at the end.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tigers - What I know about them

Let us not forget that the usual habitat of tigers are the forests. We know what we are doing. We are just convincing ourselves by saying that better human survival rate than protecting an animal which does only harm.

As we are building and expanding cities we are encroaching the tigers' habitat. So some may say so what. We must remember the food chain when it comes to understanding the ecology that we are living in. Remember, we are tertiary consumers, some are primary and secondary consumers... Learn once again. Some may say you are not practical. I disagree.

The tiger is our national animal. It must be allowed to thrive in it's usual habitat. There are not many tigers left. If we lose this animal then it will be a shame on us. We will sympathize with tigers but hide our faces behind veils if we continue this brutal killing for its flesh, claws, teeth, skin and what not.

Travel as a part of education

Whether it be traveling locally, or traveling to places outside our country, both have their charms and their challenges. Traveling in the past was always a challenging activity. Meeting different people, with different views and different dialects or languages is not for the timid soul.
It is a better thing to have local knowledge. When we go out for buying something, we interact with people whose daily experience is totally different from ours. We develop ourselves when we meet them. We understand their emotions, their need and desires and also how we can align ourselves to others. It is a complex process of adjustment.
In history it was Alexander, Huan Tsang who traveled. Obviously, both traveled for different reasons. Alexander for conquering other countries, where as Huan Tsang went merely for increasing his knowlege about different cultures.
Traveling, now a days is very job oriented. We forget it is also an opportunity to meet diverse people. New experiences to share, new places to visit, this is traveling as a part of education.

Mobile Phones - How they have changed our lives

Do you remember for how long you have been using mobile phones. Not more than 3 to 4 years. Mobile technologies have changed the life we live. Today I saw in the paper that there is a seperate firm that provides mobile applications at reasonable charges. They charge about R. 7 per week. (Pardon me for not using the latest symbol of a rupee). This is still expensive but not unaffordable.

I know someone who dabbles with Sudoku and whenever time allows he plays. This is just one small application that mobiles provide. Not to say there are videos, reading material, useful train and bus booking sites that provide a whole lot of avenues for us to explore. Companies are fighting for that last penny, say paisa. They want a permanent consumer. They want loyal customers. They are doing whatever they can to hook him.

There isn't much difference between a computer and a mobile phone. Obviously except for talking purpose we use mobile. The size is a big issue. IF we can find the right size that is convenient for certain applications then we would have gently and gracefully solved the problem. Now we see infibeam pi and phi coming to the market. They are intermediates of laptops and mobile phones. Marketers have taken charge of the entire spectrum of pricing while considering these products.

Mobile phones have made our lives simpler. It is we who have made our lives difficult. Don't blame the mobile phones. They are a marvel of an invention and they are here to stay for many decades to come.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fresh air

Whenever we imagine of fresh air, we automatically think of pollution. As if they are synonymous, meaning one and the same. Due to industrialization in the past few decades, things have never been the same. Previously people indulged in agriculture, now they are setting up more industries in an attempt to change and challenge the life style of the common men like us.

I live in a city. As we all know a city’s life is full of hum-drum. Cars, trucks, buses and lorries rule the roads. Even though there are Euro II and Euro III vehicles being introduced, the disaster caused by the earlier vehicles cannot be put under the carpet. The damage is already done; we are breathing stale air. Now, from here, we can promise to reduce any further pollution that we have spread or at least find an alternative to our daily travel. Trains and Public Transport are better for any city. We usually underestimate the power of such vehicles. Technologies are coming to reduce pollution, but they are expensive, and they cannot be executed without further economical steps. We cannot remove the currently running vehicle with new ones. The task is impossible. How can we consider deliberately the cost incurred due to such a change.

Let us use scooters, bikes, cycles, or walk if the travel is near by. By doing so we can at least face the future generations who will ask us questions for which we have no answers for and already done the damage.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A train journey

We can't avoid the local train living in a city. The Mumbai train especially is the life blood of our city. Our daily journey begins with the train. We reach long and far destinations, within a few tens of minutes. Every office-goer knows the ins and outs of the locals.

The journey begins by going to the station close to your house, where we buy tickets or we utilize our monthly prepaid passes. Before the train arrives, we see the indicator nearly a thousand times. Then all compete to run into the train by pushing and pulling each other. The trains are seldom left empty or with few people. We fight to get our seats close to the windows except on rainy days. Most people with luggage throw their bags on top of the luggage carrier. Only then we are relieved. There are at times small fights and agonies over why some passengers don't get enough place to stand. In a three seater we occupy four people. However, we see now there are trains which have been totally refurbished with new looks. That makes the seating and the standing journey slightly more comfortable.

We pick our bags, people get out and get in at their regular stations, and that ends the journey. It repeats every evening.

How you hope to continue your education when you leave school?

Life is a journey and we are all characters playing our role. To play that role well we need to educate ourselves time and again. Education doesn't stop after schooling. It is a lifetime process.

More and more office goers and even housewives continue their education in some way or the other. Most office goers rely on colleges that offers distance learning program. These programs are useful in the sense it allows you to continue learning while you are working. There are classes on weekends to solve your queries and doubts. It is quite a new phenomenon. Earlier it was not the case. We also have e-learning where the tutor takes classes and we interact with the tutor on lecture days and gain direct knowledge from them. It has reduced the time we meet the tutors. This type of learning has worked very well and many universities are pursuing this kind of learning to its students.

Education is also about gathering new experiences and learning from them. This is called the school of hard knocks. Only by interaction with the world one can learn and remain up to date. Old lessons don't work in the new economy. Priorities change, habits change, lifestyle changes. All these are outcomes of newer ways of succeeding in the profession of your choice. Keep learning and keep learning well.

Electricity in the service of man

We take electricity for granted. We cannot see the possibility of living well without electricity. We need fan, light, tv, whenever we live somewhere. Electricity is a quite recent invention. Earlier people did not use electricity. They relied on oil lamps and hand fans. You might have seen it somewhere. The tradition is still true in some far off villages where they are still waiting for electricity. Electricity is a god's gift that man has accepted and used it well.

From then circa 150 years to now, our life is being run by electricity. I know what happens when there is a break down. We all sweat and we don't forget to curse the distributor. Sorry, but this is true. The use of electricity will only increase with newer appliances like the refridgerator, washing machines, computer, electric cooker, geysers. All these appliances consume electricity. It has made physical labor obsolete.

Kudos to electricity, their inventors and their suppliers.

Suicide - Why attempt it?

We don't need an explanation of what suicide is, do we? We also don't like talking about it. Suicidal attempts happen everyday and this is what life teaches you. Life is full of ups and downs. Suicide is horrific when you hear it. How could one person fall from a roof top, or drink poision, or hang himself or herself to the ceiling.

We need to be aware of all the questions of why people commit suicide. There are tomes and tomes of information available. Who will mine it? Most suicidal attempts are because of societal pressures. Women are more vulnerable to suicides than men are. The reason being women don't have that much freedom to pursue their wishes and ambitions. They have to keep it hidden. That is not case for men in a male dominated world like ours. The demand from occupation and expectations of family members and peers put alot of pressure on the victim. How can she come out? She sees no other way. She cannot leave the hierarchy in which she has been born and brought up and she continues to suffer with a single identity which is suffocating.

There are cases where men poison their family and themselves so that they can peacefully leave this world. Is suicide a solution to all these? We are so burdened with our image that we don't know at times what to do? Whom should we consult? There are psychiatrists who will come to help you improve the situation but he is also an outsider and we cannot rely on the marvels of medical science and some few tablets alone. They don't have cure for all depressions. My only plead to my fellow beings is that don't ever think of commiting to this path. Always consult someone who is your confidante and share your troubles with him or her. This will bring a new outlook for you in your life. Say no to death and yes to life.

We and Cinema

Cinema has affected us in many ways. We look at the world through their glasses. We are soaked in cinema. Quite a lumpsome of the movie freaks go to theatres. Some watch the same movie many times but still relish. Some movies are so good even a pessimistic viewer sees it twice.

Cinema is a well oiled entertainment machinery. After a week of hard work people like to spend some time elsewhere. When we used to go for a movie, the balcony, as it was called then,just costed us 8 rupees. Today we are quite comfortable paying 150 rupees at the nearby multiplex. The looks of the theatre has also changed. Theatres now a days don't come single. They are paired with food, and other entertainment stuffs. It is almost a market by now. People love the overall experience of watching a movie and shopping. Hats off to those brains for making cinema into such a fantastic experience.

We are in transition in the cinema industry trying to weave the past and the future of cinema; we have always done it, but more so now. We see newer and more unfamiliar stories coming. There is no longer a 'formulaic' movieshow where people already know the plot before entering the hall. Some movies are bad, but we cannot deny that they too have put considerable effort making it. We'll never know the audiences' taste. We can only rely on some market research and refer to the past history of an audience's profile and try to predict the success or failure of a movie. Cinema will go on as the top entertaining alternative for many decades to come. There is no looking back. Even though with diverse viewership the share per film will be small, the industry will keep on growing.

Which is better, a city or a country?

It comes to preference. But, both have their own charms. Some people like the atmosphere of a country. The hills, the meadows, the trees, the sweet smell of the mud, the leisure time all are beatific. On the other hand, city life is fast, it is much like a local train. It starts and halts regularly. We do so many things we seldom realize. Village life is preferred by middle-aged citizens, who like the slowness of a country.

One cannot deny there isn’t anything happening in towns. They too are being caricatured into cities. Intelligent bureaucrats and businessmen are eyeing for their next opportunity to make these changes. As we see it, we are making it at a more transient pace than at a swift pace. It is not simple as demand and supply. Supply is huge, every village have acres and acres of land. They are just waiting to be opened for people who want to move there, provided there are facilities for them. People are already buying houses in unknown locations, building small farm houses so that they can separate themselves for sometime from the hectic life of a city.

City life can provide all the necessities and fill our days. Now a days, life moves at a more hectic pace. More and more villages and towns are now being molded to suit city culture and style. Cities have their beaches, offices, schools, hotels, restaurants, parks, museums, aquariums, travel facilities, and other get-aways that village doesn’t offer. But it also has its pollution, its bomb blasts, rising prices of commodities and food stuffs. Cities provide a more viable option. It only says that cities are being preferred over the slow pace of villages. There are more than 65 Lakh villages in our country. It will take an awful time to change them into cities. That will not happen in the near future. Keep our fingers crossed! Stale City air and fresh village air both breathe life into us. They are both sides of the same coin.

Oil Spilling, Oil Spilt.

The thing that I noticed about reading newspaper is that you cannot read an issue and say finished, you will have to track it down daily. Every day there are changes and newer information that reveal their true picture.

Oil spillage in Mumbai coast has far been the most dug issue during recent times. One of the reason may be that we have never faced it before. It seems like a Hollywood movie to all of us. The climax was good, but the response from us wasn't good. No one knows what to do with the spillage. How to deal with it. We have a general tradition in our country that we burn wastes. Can this be burnt? Of course it can. Should we burn it? No, we shouldn't. It will just increase air pollution in the surrounding areas. Then what can be done. I don't know. Then you may ask what is the point of you being educated. I would still say, I don't know.

For the time being let us keep this aside and not try to wash it away with water. The spillage is just too much for volunteers. They can begin the task but cannot finish it. At the most what we can do is transport them to some far off places where there are no people living, where only rats and other rodents thrive. Was it too much to digest? Forget rats, read only rodents. We can also pack them and dump it deep into the sea away from our coast. Most land pollution can be dealt in this way. So take a Khilijia -IV or a Chitra - II and dump the waste in the nearby Antartic.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The life of a rupee

The most exciting life will be when you follow the 1 rupee coin that you just exchanged with that rickshaw driver. Just imagine how the rupee is born, where does it exchange hands. It will give you a marvelous story and will bring you to many surprises and realities. This is a small attempt to demystify the life of a coin

While going to my office, the rickshaw driver asked me 11 rupee. I gave it to him. But have you ever thought what life a rupee leads. The coins are made in the mint. They go to the bank. From the bank a buyer gets it while withdrawing money. He spends it on the rickshaw driver who again either gives to another passenger in case of exchange or buys something from it. The one rupee coin then moves from shop to shop until all the one rupee coin are either exchanging hands with other shops or other buyers. The shop keeper may even deposit it back to the bank or give it to another buyer. Generally if I were the shop keeper I would have kept certain coins with me and deposited others in the bank. Some businesses need rupee so they exchange the coins with rupee of larger denomination. The bank either gives it to the buyers who are in need of the coin or deposit with the RBI. So there are few coins floating and exchanging hands while others are in the bank. As more and more coins are sent to the market the number of coins increase. Whenever coins are more they only circulate there are more coins and people are richer. So they have more disposable income. If enough people deposit coins in the bank then there will be limited coins. All coins goes to the business which are in need of coins like the vegetable vendor and bus ticket collector and rickshaw drivers or taxi drivers. So a small part of the business has more coins. Now what to do with excess coins. At the most it can be given to the bank and exchanged for rupees. The bank then melts the coin and the values remain in records. THE EXCHANGES ARE EVEN MORE COMPLEX. IN THE END EVERYTHING IS IN RECORDS.

Some desirable improvements in my home town

Ask a foreigner who came a decade back and how differently he sees Mumbai. The tall buildings, the plush offices, the jarring traffic, the bridges all this is new to the eyes of a person visiting Mumbai after a long time. His home town has changed its attire.

If you just catch a bus from Bandra and keep your eyes outside through the window you will see wonderfully constructed office buildings, clean and super clean roads which we are not used to, well dressed and modern people. This is not what Mumbai used to be a decade back. Even though it has been a business hub for many outsiders it never saw the yearning from its citizens to improve the town. This is unusual. But there are also places where there are water and electricity problems. Let us not deny it.

The Railways have changed the look of the inside of a train. Ask any train commuter, he will know it and will give you a brief description as to what has changed. The taxis and cabs are not longer yellow and black. There are three different taxi types to meet all types of customers. The cool cab made its way into our city and we seldom realized it. Let us not forget the hospitals, tall towers, that has changed the face of the city.

All in all, there are improvements but they are needed. It is an urgent call.

Young kidney stones

The recent article in today's newspaper I have read is about Kidney stones. There is nothing kind about it. Children as young as 5 to 10 get these stones. How awful! Kidney stones are those our forefathers used to get when our uncles and aunts crossed their retirement age. This is something we must be seriously concerned. Children getting Kidney stones. But how?

The article says our lifestyle and food habits are the main reasons for this dreadful and painful disease. You just can't get away by saying our lifestyle is causing the disease. You have to give reasons. On further going forward the article says "...our salt consumption, lowered intake of milk, obesity and usage of antibiotics has doubled the chances of kidney stones." Despite such posing dangers we continue gulping the information and do the same thing. We just don't change our taste habits. It is an absolute no. Change now, don't wait for that scalpel.

Scooters, bikes are up; cars down

I don't claim to be a futurologist, but as part of a citizen of a metropolitan city like Mumbai I certainly give my thumbs up to two wheelers over four wheelers. It is so clear that there is no further room within the city for 4 wheelers. While a week back I was trying to cross the main road, I had to wait for a long time before crossing it. Even the cars there couldn't find place to steer themselves in such a high density road.

The main road is so full of them there seems to be a dearth of common sense about why people still do buy cars. It provides good privacy when on the road. That can be only one reason. Bikes are not meant for long distance travel. A half an hour ride to a destination is for bikes and scooters but anything longer than that people would prefer car. The whole burden of traffic jam falls on the driver. He is just unable to steer in such a high traffic. Especially if the passengers sitting behind are expecting 'Street Hawk speed' from him.

I may be wrong, but future commutation will be on bikes and scooters. They are hassle free and easily manueverable. So scooters, bikes are up; cars down.

Just Type

Typing is a necessary skill, an untold skill required for anyone working in an office with a computer. Many office goers look at it as a below my level skill to be acquired. Trust me, that is not the case. It is just not the amount of time you save but it also makes thoughts flow continuously without any barrier. My typing was 20 wpm when I started three to four years back. Now it has climbed upto 80wpm. I am pretty happy with the skill that I have acquired. The down part of it is that i have spent too much time learning typing and you don't have to take that much time of yours.

People once good at typing try to increase their speed by forcing them to type more. More is not the name of the game. It is accuracy with speed. Accuracy you can get only when you do the right thing, if however, you are not doing right then it may take more time. I should have expected to reach my typing speed close to hundred by now. But the wrong thing that I did and I don't want you to do. Always see the text you are typing once you gain adequate
accuracy. Never look at the computer nor look at the keyboard. There are many words that repeat in English. Practice typing those words and then you will find a huge difference in your typing speed and accuracy. Moreover, never indulge in typing for hours together. As any part of our body our wrists and fingers too need some rest. Once in pain and you continue doing it, it will mislead you to more mistakes.

The most easy typing is letters. Then comes CAPITAL WORDS. You need separate practice for numerals and then separate for symbols like question mark, exclamation mark, percentages etc. The best way to practice is take a simple exercise and do it without mistake and follow the above procedure. You will always remember me if you do it that way. This is the thing which nobody will tell you and they will only cloud you with more information. The internet gives you websites and websites on typing test and tracking your speed. It is good to take a break during the course of your day and try a hand at one or two. There are also games, play them whenever you are free.

Typing is a skill mentioned not to be taken lightly. Try it and you will enjoy doing it for the rest of your life.


This is the heart of every MBA aspirant as to which college is the best. I too was an MBA Aspirant and wished to go to the good colleges

Every one knows IIMs are synonymous to Best MBA colleges in the country. How do we judge which is the best college. We take parameters like student to teacher ratio, teacher’s qualifications, word of mouth, placements, library, environment, salary during placements, past history, No of companies visiting the campus per MBA students and so the choices are many.

We also read newspapers where we see every college is trying to make its mark in top 10 or 20 across the country. Mumbai has many good colleges, NMIMS, being the one, NITIE, for engineers etc. Other colleges throughout the country include XLRI Jamshedpur, ISB is making new noise in the media now a days after winning being the top 20 colleges across the globe. But they are not for graduates they are for experienced professionals.

IIPM is also equally roaring after they have advertisement almost every day on the newspaper, claiming to be better than IIMs and how their course produces managers high rank compared to bookish managers of IIMs. They claim that their students are more entrepreneurial. It may be true since they are showing results. Fees is another factor. Day by Day management education is becoming costlier because more and more success stories are being created by these management colleges. CEOs, CFOs, MD are more and more from these colleges. Industry is satisfied by the breed of people these colleges are producing. Also we see that managers for all strata is being produced by these colleges. As they say MBAs are prepared to meet the cut throat competition in the corporate world.

Previously it was by pragmatic approach managers learnt the intricacies of the business. But now with the advent of MBA the teaching is more structured. We must however be aware of the stark reality that all colleges are not IIMs, ISB, there are dark circles in the Management courses colleges produce. Even though some colleges boast of being as good as the top colleges by differentiating their course they still have a long way to go to prove they. The intention is there but the deliverance isn’t.

How to keep yourself fit - awareness column

One need not study an encyclopedia to know how to keep oneself fit. To be fit is to thank God for a strong body. It is the responsibility of everyone to keep himself or herself fit and strong. Our body is a temple and we must take care of its idols.

Many of us know that by getting up early in the morning, jogging and exercising for sometime in fresh air, having a bath are a few simple things to keep ourselves fit. We also become fit by playing games and participating in sports. We will restrict here to only physical fitness. Strong arms, strong legs and flexible back is not all is there in fitness even though they are required. We must not forget visiting doctor every six months or one year and do a medical check up. Even though it may be expensive for now it will surely provide some future relief and a robust body. All kinds of exercise like yoga, calisthenics, aerobics, weightlifting can provide good fitness.

Having good food is another way of keeping ourselves fit. People can’t resist certain food habits. They must visit a doctor and know their dietary plan for once as to what they must have for food. Diet changes with age, occupation, and depends on many other factors. So they cannot be uniform for everybody. A specialist will do the trick. A bad health can ruin our life and make it burdensome. We also know that a healthy mind will only reside in a healthy body. All things apart, from today onwards take care of your health.

Good Manners and what you need to know about it

When we were young our parents and teachers taught us good manners. They taught us how we should behave in front of others, how we should eat, how we should greet others etc. Good manners are like the nut in a cashew. They will always present the best part of you.

The thing about good manners is that we ought not to forget them. Even though there will be some differences in how one part of the world considers good manners from the other part they will always be a boon to any young lad facing the world. All of us like people who behave well and show proper mannerisms. Maybe that is one of the reason why people like some children and hate others. How well you treat people younger and how you treat people older than you on certain occasions is what good manners is all about. One must know how to greet with a smile in case they meet any stranger. All this small small things make good manners and become a part of your personality. Social lives are made of manners.

For those people who don’t know manners of other caste or country there are resources available every where for them to learn. Learning about other culture’ manners will always be a boon. Manners are to human beings what sugar is to tea.

Street Hawkers of Mumbai

We live in a city where Street Hawkers is a common place. They are generally for eatables. They can be for non-edible items also. The Street Hawkers are varied. They range from your daily vegetables, fruits, to garlands. Mumbai as a city is famous for its hawkers. When you go to South Mumbai hawkers are in abundance. It is convenient for all of us to buy food and other items from streets. They make our lives more easy. People shy from getting into a store. This can be because of fear and expectations of a store. This is not true in case of hawkers. We get lovely food across the city from these hawkers. They are not necessarily hygienic but some hawkers now a days are aware that hygiene will only increase their business and attract more customers so they see to it that their food items are clean. Even though they charge a premium for hygiene, people still flock to them and want to buy their vada pav or samosa pav. More businesses are now following the model of street hawkers. Many brands have made their way on the streets, one of them is Energy drink and the other is Jumbo vada pav a recent brand.

Hawkers will always be the life blood of a metropolitan city like Mumbai as they provide affordable, convenient food, any place, any time.

Our duties to the backward communities in our country

We are living in a diverse world. We live amongst ourselves with different religion, different caste, & even different race at times. Some people are more fortunate and some are less fortunate, this is one stark reality of our lives. Why forget Bill Gates who has done so much recently to help the poor of African Countries. He has donated nearly 30$ Billion dollars to countries in Africa and a country even India for development. Even though we all cannot contribute that much we can certainly do something for them. Each of us can contribute in different ways through different channels not only monetarily.

We must understand that money is not the only thing that separates us. Backward communities people have a different lifestyle and it is our duty to teach them the modern ways of living. Make them inclusive to the urban way of living. Because of this backward lifestyle and traditional barriers they are unaware what life can offer them. How societies outside their own live. What is modernization and advancement? They are not even literate. Because they have not found literacy useful. It was not a part of their life. They were mostly farmers, they bred cattles etc. Our duty is to make them aware of the modern world and give them the opportunity to be a part of our lives.

Something like reservation is certainly useful when we consider this problem of different societies living together. People on the other side don’t like reservations but it is a reality that we have to face if we need inclusive growth and increased tolerance. Even private schools have now agreed to impart 25% of their seats to children from the backward, local community. How well it will work is we have to see? This will generate lots of data for future wiser decisions. There is also demand for private industries to consider this option. Whether it will work or not only time will tell. With reservations to women and backward caste we must see that the people in the open category don’t face a problem of choice. This is a great sacrifice given by worthy students towards their peers lying on other side of the fence.

Should games be necessary for school boys?

Why only boys, for girls too it should be compulsory. Games were played by our ancestors to keep them busy and maintain a sense of camaraderie between them. We see young boys and girls who play games are far more cheerful than children who focus only on studies.

Mostly now a days children are glued to their television sets remain a spectator of games. Games bring good health, stronger muscles and bones and increases our immunity to various diseases. Children playing games always have a good appetite compared to other children. That helps in their growth and development.

Now a days with video games coming in, the boys are more used to playing games indoor than outdoor. These games help in proper eye hand coordination but excess of them also can be a drawback. The games are addictive in nature.

We must buy our kids more outdoor games material than indoor games. Some games are dangerous and must be taken care of but there is always an alternative of playing other games. Things like wrestling should not be promoted among kids without proper guidance. They can be harmful and lead to fractured bones.

Sports are what builds a strong harmonious relationship & you will certainly be for games and not against them.

Is life better for us than our forefathers?

Life is better in some areas and in some other areas no. Ask me, why do I say so? The answer is, that with the economy growing people are getting richer day by day; there are more affordable luxury items like cars, Television, mobile phones, washing machines etc and latest gizmos compared to life lived by our forefathers. Now, you don’t need to bend your back while washing clothes. But so is the problem of pollution, birth of new diseases like cancer etc which are causing problems to our livelihood.

As we are becoming more and more advanced material problems are no longer a concern. We are also living longer, we are literate, we can tackle many diseases with the help of latest medical technologies and know hows. With all such advances in science and arts our lives have become more interesting. We no longer have to wait in a queue to use well water or hand pump. The tap is directed into our home provides sufficient water. Even though there are places where water is a scarce resource. But we are trying to fill this gap. With mobile phones we can talk to anyone any where in the corner of the globe. Our advances in technology can make life simpler and make us more productive with the same effort. All these things are the boon which our forefathers were unable to experience.

But there are also cold wars, nuclear bombs, which are making all of us separate, Examples like the recent holocaust at the Taj hotel and 9/11 causes shivers in our spine. We are becoming more intolerant, at least the terrorists are. But with the latest advances in military science we are also able to use intelligence well. There is cooperation despite competitive amongst nations. We will certainly not be able to estimate how our forefathers lived, but as we live we are being exposed to newer and newer things and we are becoming more curious about how future lives will be. Futurologists are predicting and promising a better future, a future where men will only enjoy and machines will do all the work. We will be living in a world of plenty. But there will be famines, draughts, floods, volcanoes, road accidents, newer strains of bacteria and viruses to fight.

Should men learn to cook?

We need to earn our bread and butter, don’t we? But more than that we need to know how to cook. When young we are fed by our parents. As we grow older our mother still feeds us. She makes food with her own hands. She knows the taste, the flavor we like. She buys vegetables and cuts it, puts some masalas and there it is food is ready. It is not as simple as I just told you.

As a social practice boys are isolated from cooking. But if you ask me should they learn to cook? The answer would be yes. But is it compulsory, I would say still say yes. Cooking helps when we go to a remote place and away from our near and dear ones. Learning to cook protects our pocket to some extent. Some places don’t have the facilities of hotel. Some of them really charge a lot, don’t they? True, isn’t it?

For men and young boys it is always better to know simple things about cooking food. They must know what to buy, and how to cook a meal on their own. Simple things like making chapattis, making dals, making toast, and some vegetables will always come handy. In addition to cooking, they also know how to buy vegetables and other things meant for cooking. There are many canned food available now a days. It may not suit the pockets of everybody. It is still in a nascent stage.

Then why do boys refrain from cooking? It is one thing they have been kept away. God forbade, if someone is unhealthy or sick in our house we know it is better to cook food for them. Today with the growing number of hotels most men find an excuse that they need not know how to cook.

So, should boys learn to cook, the answer is an absolute yes. Learning to cook is far more useful than you think. Try to stay for a day or two without your mother. You will always remember her handmade food.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Voice on Mumbai Malaria

Being a resident of Mumbai I have dealt with many potholes and wastage disposal moving right in front of my eyes and have myself been unable to contribute to the disgusting view, I find a need to talk about Malaria, a dreadful disease that has a history of killing anyone.
We know malaria as a communicable disease that spreads rapidly. Anopheles mosquitoes are the main culprit. These mosquitoes have malarial virus in their saliva and as they suck our blood they inject the saliva into our body and the virus spreads throughout through our blood stream. In layman’s term the symptoms of Malaria are shaking chills, vomiting, nausea, etc.
These anopheles larvae breed in resting water. So here goes a word of caution, whenever you see resting water near your work place or near your house pay heed to it, do something about it. We are so busy in our day to day activities that anything not falling into our routine seems to be a difficult task to do and we more or less ignore it without considering the urgency.
On the other hand, the government has indicated that the spread of malaria reach us, the common man, through news channel and newspapers. There are Assistant Directors of Health Department areas wise in Mumbai who have been asked by the government officials to chart out their action plan and resolve them as early as possible. They are on their full duty.
I read in a newspaper that government hospitals like Lokmanya Tilak and KEM have started placing beds outside the hospital building in their premises to ameliorate the danger and meeting the ever increasing population of infected patients. There are some 40,000 blood samples to be tested, a humungous task. The officials say that there is no place inside the hospital, so tents are the only alternative they have left with them. Every one in the Government departments and the media are being kept informed to spread the awareness of such a dangerous disease for public like us. The data is regularly being transmitted to these two channels. This message is purely a word of caution for the readers to take care of themselves.
Some political parties have told that they are going to display all the potholes and the wastage disposal area remnants, exhibit them for everyone to see the dangers of this spreading disease.