Friday, December 3, 2010

Read again

You must have written a lot for your exams and made notes but have you ever corrected them for spelling mistakes, punctuation, wrong formatting etc. We seldom do it and we assume they are correct. We would want to see examinations taking place on computers at our own leisure. Some exams are conducted as per the convenience of the students. There are no exam centers there is a home PC and you give them the dates.

It looks so shabby when you send emails to your clients with mistakes. There is one remedy for all this. Start proof reading. Proof reading has nothing to do with law or legal affairs, even though their materials are proofread thoroughly.

There should be a short course in schools or colleges to proof read and explain them the significance of proof reading materials. Here they are answer papers. We would sometimes laugh at our own writing if we read them. Proofreading can be done at different levels. It is boring and takes strenous effort and preparation, but still it is always better to do it. We sometimes ask someone else to read the mail we are going to send. This is the simplest form of proof reading material.

So dont' forget going through your materials once again. It will make you a better communicator.

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