We are all intrigued by the term, ‘war’. We don’t want to be a part of it, and prefer to stay away and unhurt. There are wars fought between two countries and there are also wars fought between factions of groups within a country each demanding their authority over a resource, mainly land. The latter is more dangerous because here we don’t know who the enemy is. They look like us. A civil war can give us all sorts of shocks and surprises. Suicide bombing is one of its kind.
We know that as human race we had gone through the First World War and Second World War. We have read it in our textbooks. We can only imagine how a war prone country looks like after its victory, or after its defeat. Technically, one country has won the war, but if you really see them we can easily judge that both the countries have lost their men, women, children, and resources.
After the second war we know that there was a cold war between giant economies of those days, the American’s and the Russian’s. Each wanted to prove their superiority. They built weapons of mass destruction, as it is otherwise called, to give fear to the opposition and their country men. The cold war ended and even though it statistically produced more death it remains a form of war where there were no arms and ammunitions really used. It was information and intelligence that made one country superior to other. It was their ability to build superior weapons and exhibit them so that both the country men can view and take pride in the advances of military technology. It is the political forces of those days that didn’t want to step back when their counterpart is exhibiting their military power.
We need not experience war, but any source of information will tell us what war actually is and who pays at the end.
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